Lifetide - mastering the art of adaptation

At its core, time is not just a sequence of moments, but a vital dimension shaping our experiences, choices, and ultimately, our quality of life.

At Lifetide Litschel Consulting, our mission is to restore quality time to people who are challenged by illness or the demands of daily life.



Data-driven Life Science


Operational Management


Personal Growth


Current Projects

Depression therapy

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) devices currently available on the market are limited to simple pulse shapes and are based on outdated technical principles. The technology of the neurotech project dtec Mext at the University of the German Armed Forces Munich breaks with this approach and not only enables flexible pulse shapes, but also makes the devices compact and portable.
In combination with our treatment coil, integrated into a wearable device, the system offers a low-contact and location-independent treatment option.

Epileptic seizure detection

There is currently no device on the market that provides satisfactory seizure detection in daily life. Data sets are mostly available in sterile clinical environments. When these are used to build algorithm architectures, artifacts from everyday life are superimposed on the signals. Together with our partners, we are working on a reliable solution that is suitable for everyday use and that alerts the user when a seizure is imminent.

As consultants, we are responsible for strategic planning and (clinical) trial management.


PD Dr. Stefan Schoisswohl

Psychologist / Neuroscientist

Rhonda Alkhowaiter

Medical Doctor

Karsten Litschel

Entrepreneur, Engineer


"Thanks to his work, the project has become something great. I have never seen such a network in TMS."

Prof. Dr. Ing. (habil) Thomas Weyh, München

"Karsten is able to keep an eye on a wide variety of project areas and bring the right people together at the right time, even if he is not an expert in their field."

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Seiberl, München

"Karsten seems to be on 12 project sites at once, with all the pieces falling into place under his watch."

Prof. Dr. Martin Schecklmann, Regensburg



Lifetide Litschel Consulting
Munich, Bavaria, Germany